“Spring came suddenly, bursting upon the world
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
as a child bursts into a room,
with a laugh and a shout and hands full of flowers.”
Happy Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring!
On this day we welcome Spring…
And life renewed.
We celebrate the beautiful planet we call home
and all that it provides…
its life sustaining gifts, its grounding energy, its shelter and nourishment…
We celebrate nature,
all the creatures we share the planet with,
the sun,
the moon…
The interconnectedness &
the delicate balance of it all.
This is a great time for spring cleaning your home, as well as considering doing a period of dietary cleansing.
This is also a time to create a sacred space
– or tend to the one you already have
…and, of course,
A day to spend some time outside.
Consider the beauty, gifts, and guidance which come through nature.
Send gratitude and prayers to the earth and all its treasures…
That it may be protected & respected,
renewed, nourished & loved.
Give thanks to Gaia (Mother Earth)
and those of the mystical realms,
who support us on this journey.
Start giving an extra push to those “seeds” you want to grow…
Or we could say,
bring the light to that which you are creating…
that which is emerging.
Look for signs of growth.
Nurture and tend to your sacred garden.
Welcome the “breath of fresh air” spring and the longer days bring.
It will breathe new life into those areas which have been stagnant.
gather around a fire, play music, feast and celebrate life.
{¡Drumming circle!}
~ Jill ♥
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