WATER is precious.
Its importance cannot be understated.
Its symbolism is as vast and deep as all the water in the world.
If you care about clean water, healing water, and protecting water, then you must care for all things connected to water.
…and all things are connected to water.
Water is life.
More than half of our human body’s make up is water.
Each molecule of water within us is connected to all the water that ever was and ever will be. Because of this…
Water is MEMORY. It is wisdom. It is INTUITION.
Water is cleansing and purification. It is ritual and magic.
Water is powerful and strong and relentless.
Yet gentle, calm, nurturing and soothing.
Water can give life and take life.
Water is associated with
METAMORPHOSIS, transition, dreams…
birth, renewal, fertility, refreshment…
Water directly affects our food source. Without food and water we cannot survive.
Since I began sharing the guidance for 2019 (near the end of 2018)
WATER has been in the forefront and has continued to come up monthly.
(Included in the “Guidance for the Year – 2019” )
“The Great Water Wars”
{and their connection to The Great Food Fight} that have been building each year will continue their unfolding.
Extremes around water, in all its forms, continue.
Destruction from water.
Destruction of water resources and water protections.
Furthering the cry to protect water, to bless water, to hold water sacred.
The pace has quickened.
We will see the larger impact of our environmental crisis, in all ways.
We will see that even with the protections that have been in place
(or had been, since protections are being eliminated almost daily)
water is the mirror… the truth revealed around our careless, selfish ways.
Cause and effect are fully at play here
and water – one of life’s necessities,
will take advantage of its POWER to get our attention.
The truth will rapidly begin to be revealed, unable to be hidden and denied any longer.
We will find that more cities have issues similar to Detroit’s horrific water crisis.
Areas that seemed “safe” will shockingly reveal their disease.
We will see more and more “illegal” claims being laid to water
(state to state, region to region, big company ownership – as with Nestle),
the outright “stealing” of water, or disregard for water sources (as with Standing Rock)
The Colorado River is on my radar, which historically has plenty of water wars.
But there are other areas – less expected.
The Northwest – Washington Oregon, Montana, Utah…
and Northeast – Maine, Vermont…
But no area is untouched.
The Carolinas, Mississippi…
It all needs healing.
It all needs protecting.
We must renew our connection to and care of all the waters of the planet.
But the work starts “at home”, as it does in all things.
Each of us, individually, has our role.
Our practices and the work we do individually impact The All.
It feeds into the collective, helping to guide, to shift, to override those lower vibrational ones guided by consumption and greed.
We are each powerful. Together a force!
We must put thoughtful, intentional ACTION INTO MOTION.
We, the Spiritual Warriors, must listen to Gaia’s call and respond to her requests of us.
All of nature – our environment, must be tended to.
Staying connected to the highest vibrational realms is key.
From there, THE HEART is magnified, and THE MAGIC and the healing unfolds.
Consider your daily interactions with water.
Give thanks and blessings to it throughout the day.
Make time to sit with water. Pay attention to the guidance it brings.
Answer the call.
As always,
All things radiate from the heart.
Center yourself there.
See that you are one with the Divine Source of Light, Love, Creation.
Let it fill you. Let it reinforce you.
Be the change.
Be the Light.
Shine bright.
~ Jill ?
Private readings, Life coaching, and energy healing sessions are available.
I specialize in long distance, individual Intuitive Consultations/ psychic readings which focus on soul growth, intuitive development, and creating daily practices for a more connected and expansive life.
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