As we grow and evolve spirituality, how we take care of ourselves often needs to shift to accommodate that growth.
Growth brings a shift in energy which often requires adjustments.
Right now,
we are in a transitional period.
Big shifts have happened
Big shifts are still happening
(Still going to happen) with the new year.
The heart and throat chakras are ignited and expanding
Our hearts are being asked
to accept and receive,
to let go of what no longer serves
and of what is blocking and holding back,
to call back to ourselves
all the love and gifts our many lifetimes have known.
Our self expression, our voice
It is saying…
Stand up for yourself
Voice where you feel disrespected , belittle or ignored.
Have clear boundaries
Reinforce old, weakened boundaries.
In particular,
We must recognize, understand and reinforce our own needs to ourselves.
With that,
We can see how our needs have changed but our habits, and behavior might not have.
In this way,
self care has not been consistently tended to,
as we have not been honoring ourselves and our journey
Give this relationship between self care and boundaries attention.
Tend to the adjustments needed, as necessary.
~ Jill ?
Private readings, Life coaching, and energy healing sessions are available.
I specialize in long distance, individual Intuitive Consultations/ psychic readings which focus on soul growth, intuitive development, and creating daily practices for a more connected and expansive life.
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