Solstice post #3 – meditation (& ritual part 1)
Here are some outlines for a Solstice meditation and ritual.
As always, you can follow this exactly, modify it, or simply use it for ideas to create something completely your own.
We are calling in the Light
Ushering in change and the new year.
Letting go of the lesser energies, old patterning, anchors of the past, and illusions which are holding us back
Setting our intentions
Renewing and reclaiming our own unique light.
In this way, we live our soul’s purpose
– creating the life of our dreams, and
Shine bright!
You may do one or both,
alone or in a group,
outside or inside
around a fire or a candle.
if you are planning on meditating or doing a ritual with a group, be sure that all involved hold this as a sacred act. It is important that every individual feels safe, respected and supported. This will allow each person to let down their guard and to be vulnerable, in order to move out and let go of any emotions which need to come forward – and to allow the love and light of healing and renewal to move in.
Also, you will want to designate one person to guide the group.
*Get your candles and prep your fire (if applicable)
*Smudge your spaces
Use sage, palo santo, rosemary, lavender… whatever you prefer in a clearing and blessing.
I prefer a mixture of rosemary and white sage on the winter solstice.
You may do the whole homes interior and exterior spaces earlier in the day, and then a simple cleansing of the meditation space and the individuals participating in the meditation, as you begin. (After lighting the candle, before sitting)
*Create your opening and closing prayers.
Keep it simple
*Gather a few new things to bring into the home which will help to fill it with new energy. This can be fresh flowers, a bowl filled with pine cones and rosemary, sage or other herbs… whatever you feel drawn to
*Begin at dusk – (or anytime after)
*Light many candles around your home or space where you will be meditating.
*Light a single candle for your meditation,
or light the fire outside and let that represent your light.
{If you are meditating in a group, sit in a circle around the fire or with a single candle in the middle}
*Smudge your space and those present
*Begin with the breath.
Take three deep cleansing breaths.
On the inhale, visualize the divine light entering and filling the body.
On the exhale, any negativity, energetic imprints, wounds… is released.
Say aloud or mentally note,
“I am filled with the light” – on the inhale
Letting go of that which I no longer need.” – n the exhale
*Say your opening prayer, be sure to include:
“I ask my angels and guides to come close,
surround me, and hold me in sacred space.
Please be my guide through this mediation tonight.
Use my body to show me where I need healing, and
To reaffirm that I am Love and a bringer of the Light.“
*Imagine a beam of light surrounding you.
It enters your body through the top of your head.
It fills every part of your being.
It grounds you into the earth, by continuing through the bottom of your feet and your coccyx, carrying that same Divine light into the core of the planet.
Sit with this for a few moments.
When it feels right say…
“As it is from above, so it is from below and within.”
*Begin to focus on your heart chakra, in the center of your chest.
Allow your body to guide you,
first bringing forward any emotions and discomfort which need to be released and replaced with Light.
As these arise, focus your energy on them – noting where they originate within the physical body, filling them love and light.
Do this with each thing which arises.
Slowly these will begin to subside,
and transition into pleasure, comfort, joy…
Focus on these energies, letting them fill you and surround you.
*Remember your intentions for your life.
“I release all that I no longer need,
bringing forward this energy and these intentions,
To shine long and bright,
To outshine the night.
Thank you angels and guides for your assistance tonight.
I move forward with this message…
*Make note of whatever image, feelings, or words pp into your mind. As this is the message the angels have for you to carry into the new year.
*Closing prayer*
Let the candle continue to burn through thee midnight hour – or until you go to bed.
{You may also chose to do your ritual at this time}
After your meditation, share in a cup of hot tea.
Try a lavender or licorice blend.
~ Jill ♥
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