This week
is very much as if we have been transported to an alternate earth that has multiple moons
and all of them are full
And pulling at us from different angles.
{Oh the LUNAcy!}
Difficulty with focus and concentration – mostly due to constant interruptions and people needing attention,
can suddenly take us from productive to unmotivated – as quick as a finger snap.
Restless nights enhance fatigue that is also building by other means during the day.
Headaches and body stiffness or swelling manifesting from environmental influences add to this uncomfortable mix.
(I’m hearing “solar flares”)
This also contributes to people being overly sensitive – emotionally not intuitively/ psychically.
(I.e. taking things way too personally)
Movement, diet, and detox baths will help this somewhat.
As will rest and avoiding engaging with toxic energies and people.
Speaking of toxic people…
Be especially mindful of those who would steal the power of another and/or undermine another to elevate themselves.
Or to “outcast” another.
There’s a real rise in
those who come across as friends or healers taking what others bring forward and presenting it as their own.
…devaluing or quietly “pushing out” the ones in “the circle” they should be supporting.
This unfortunate behavior is a preclude to a period of not knowing who to trust, or who is “safe”
…Where “Charlatans” seem to infiltrate all groups of people – even in the so called “enlightened” circles,
and rise up by taking advantage of the current human condition.
Pay attention.
Keep your boundaries clear.
Trust your inner compass.
~ Jill ?