This is what I hear when I ask for the guidance for this blessed
Halloween & Samhain Blue Moon,
the second full moon of October
This extra moon brings extra powerful support
for expansion and creation
…to manifest and expand outward…
Along with the focus needed
As with all full moons,
its light illuminates the path, the truth, and that which has been hidden.
Meditation during these Blue Moon days can be especially enlightening and intense.
Honoring both what once was
And what is to become during this moon will serve you greatly as you move forward
Don’t be afraid to go deep within and to bring what you discover to the surface to be seen.
What no longer serves must be seen to be released,
What you wish to build upon or newly create must be “seen” to be given life.
Call down the moon.
Hold its beautiful light in your hands.
Let it enhance your own magik touch, and show you the way like a crystal ball.
Call down the moon.
Connect with it.
Give it direction.
Then go create!
(It’s also the first day of Dia de Los Muertos. Call the gifts and wisdom of the ancestors in. This will be a valuable asset moving towards and into 2021.)
~ Jill ?
Private sessions available