We are growing into the last push towards the FULL MOON on Sunday
It’s a great day to give that creative, “CREATION” burst
to projects you already have going
or {especially} to those which had hoped to get a start on already.
If, like me, you’re not quite sure what unfolded these last 2 weeks…
{On the one hand a lot was done being so busy doing stuff and formulating plans,
on the other was anything actually accomplished and was there a time warp
or was I time traveling*timestepping again ??? }
Today through the weekend
is a great time to bring the attention back and,
as the guidance for the week (posted on Monday) said:
“Begin where you are,
Taking a few steps that are connected to the broader vision.
Even the smallest step has energy behind it,
And that’s what we’re going for – movement, action, direction
So whether that be something big, something small, or something that lands somewhere in the middle
…and it’s all important
Remember that smaller blocks create a larger foundation for bigger things to be built upon.”
Be mindful of distraction and overwhelm
As needed throughout the day,
Pull yourself back to present moment as often as needed with a smile and a breath
Breathe a sense of fun and LIGHT-ness into yourself
Into the whole body… relaxing it…
Into the LUNGS (held emotions) and THROAT (creative expression)
Breathing in deeply
Relaxing into the exhale
Let that energy flow from you
– light in density and light as in illuminated and radiant …LUMINOUS like the full moon…
filling whatever you are doing in that moment
Be it a chore, a meeting, or a creative endeavor
movement, action, direction
any step – big or small, with intention and purpose
Like the art in the image shared
weave your creation, one thread at a time
~ Jill
Channel * Psychic-Medium * Creator