Good morning!
This full moon brought themes of balance, and peace & harmony in our lives that will carry through the waning phase until the Dark Moon, just prior to the new moon.
(It’s also very much about being smart/ wisdom, relationships, confronting the truth, & resolution)
Wherever we may be feeling out of balance or a lack of harmony
is where we are being asked to give conscious attention and put action into balance, making peace, letting go…
Specifically how we honor, disrespect, and cross our own boundaries
Looking back over the last two weeks
think about your plans and intentions
What you had hoped to achieve and what actually unfolded.
Go back then return to the present moment
Reapproach those intentions with kindness and compassion towards yourself, and
– with consideration for your own needs and limitations and an understanding that life happens
(Im hearing the saying, “We make plans and God laughs.” )
Give it all FRESH ENERGY
Understanding that we are in the full moon manifestation energy until tomorrow
and then in the waning, “letting go” phase
– this specific “letting go” being around emergence, shedding the shell or sloughing the outer layers to reveal fresh life and a refreshed self…
{Imagine the sprouting of new life breaking through a seed. That outer shell, that protected it in the dark months, no longer needed, is now shed and left behind beneath the soil
while the sprout grows towards its full potential}
This moon is also connected to what was set in motion back with the new moon in mid October 2020.
In case you don’t recall, Oct 2020 had three moons, that new moon being smack in the middle of the month.
With a full moon at the beginning and the end of of the month.
Halloween being the third moon – a full moon.
Because we are now in another powerful moon – a “Supermoon”
It is worth a check in with whatever that was that was working itself out in October
and what has transpired from then to now.
*** Finally, of importance to note ***
The seasonal cycles are mirrored, enhanced, nurtured, and supported by the moon cycles.
Though we are entering the waning moon, which is about putting to rest, letting go, releasing, etc…
the emergence of spring has shifted how these weeks between full and new moon will play out.
The shift from winter’s dark dive and deep introspection to spring’s emergence, growth, and quickening pace is here
And present throughout the entirety of the moon cycle.
With this in mind, we are manifesting and creating… growing OUTWARDLY…
for the duration.
create, create, create!!!
Bring it up and out
Letting the {hard} shell fall away,
Letting the softer self emerge
– even though it may feel uncomfortable and vulnerable
While being compassionate towards yourself, forgiving of yourself, flexible with plans & desires,
and honoring the need for balance, boundaries, and self-care.
It’s that last bit
(compassion, flexibility, balance, boundaries, self-care, etc )
that will keep us in “peace & harmony” as we head towards and into the dark moon phases.
~ Jill ?