Notes on Trust
After watching Brene Brown’s video “Anatomy of Trust”, I made these notes.
Trust is built through our actions, in many small moments
Charles Feltman, author of “The Thin Book of Trust” says:
choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else.
“What I have shared with you, that is important to me, is not safe with you.”
Dr. Brene Brown says trust can be described using this acronym:
(I can trust braving connections with others when… )
*BOUNDARIES – I trust you if
you are clear about your boundaries and my boundaries
and you respect them.
* RELIABILITY – i.e. Do what you say you are going to do,
and do it over and over and over again.
* ACCOUNTABILITY – I can only trust you IF,
when you make a mistake, you are willing to
own it, apologize for it, and make amends…
when I make a mistake, I am ALLOWED TO
own it, apologize for it and make amends.
{Then we accept, release, move on!!!}
{the vault of trust or… my lips are sealed.
This can be a tough one,
as we tend to build (false) bonds with one another
by betraying the confidentiality of others.}
what I share with you, you will hold in confidence.
What you share with me, I will hold in confidence.
I see that you can acknowledge confidentiality with others
{observations based on our time together and how you refer to others gossip or sharing of information which is not yours to share}
* INTEGRITY – Act from a place of integrity and encourage me to do the same
Integrity is:
Choosing courage over comfort,
choosing what’s right over what is fun, fast, or easy;
practicing your values, not just professing your values.
I can fall apart and ask for help without being judged by you,
and you can fall apart and ask for help without being judged by me.
* GENEROSITY – {Generous in our assumptions and opinions of one another}
You can assume the most generous things about my words, intentions and behaviors – and then check in with me {when in question}.
So if I make a mistake, {rather than turning your back on me or attacking me}
you will make a generous assumption of me
{of why I said, did not say, acted or did not act – a certain way that you found upsetting or confusing}
and then check in with me to clarify what is really going on.
{In a kind, compassionate, and generous manner.
Again in order to accept, release, move on }
~ Jill ♥