Welcome to April, Aries season, and the beginning of the astrological new year!
As predicted, the energy has fully shifted into straught ahead, forward moving, big action, quick paced momentum with a big creative push of inspiration, discipline (ish), AND getting it done.
…And we are being asked {pushed} to get swept up in it.
This can, however, feel like getting swept away.
It will be like this for quite some time so the practice that becomes available to us is really about not being afraid to let go and allow ourselves to jump in to this massive flow and get a bit swept away
While ALSO not being afraid to pull back and step out of the flow to give ourselves a chance to catch up.
(Be intentional. That’s the key.)
With that, if you’ve somehow been forced to slow down fully embrace what is being asked of you.
Perhaps it’s about the need to rest, to clear the body, or to allow the body to acclimate to this shift in energy
in order to be more fully receptive and able to integrate and tap into this shift when it is your time
Or perhaps it is about giving outside things a chance to catch up or find their way to you
That’s a big part of it. Again, trusting in your unique timing.
Noone is going to “miss out” as long as they are receptive and responsive.
With that,
I know I’m at least a day late to share the guidance for the month that has been pooling up in my mind.
(This isn’t it. There’s much more I want to share)
I tend to feel/ be affected by things early and certainly have with this transition.
I’ve been “swept up” for sure in the creation energy and productivity
(-ish obviously some things like a big April energetic reading have not been accomplished)
Hopefully later today I’ll get after it ?
In the meantime,
Let yourself get caught up in whatever is inspiring you.
Trust that being inspired and being guided by inspiration is actually what you need to be doing and that everything is being perfectly, personally timed for you.
~ Jill ?
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