The Full moon is upon us.
Peaking later tonight/ early tomorrow
That peak full moon energy will go through the weekend
Overlapping/melding into the first day of Spring on Sunday, March 20th.
If you have been feeling stuck
Know that the extra support you need is coming with this full moon, Vernal #Equinox transition
the intensity of the last few weeks continues.
It could be extra challenging through this weekend if you are not taking care of yourself, especially your emotional and spiritual needs.
Balance is key.
All full moons are about “letting go”
This full moon cycle (2 wks) brings
an especially powerful push around
Bringing to the surface an
EMOTIONAL AWARENESS of what we have been unconsciously feeding or holding onto
Particularly through our self-talk and
self-criticism (not enough, less than)
This emotional awareness also helps to highlight HEALTH – both physical health and mental health.
Illuminating how we have been successfully and unsuccessfully taking care of body, mind, and spirit.
{nurture versus neglect (or abuse)}
Ultimately leading us into a deep and authentic self love and self acceptance
This is a time where BALANCE is needed.
A time of RELEASE and RESET
Winter is ending.
With this we are being asked to
reflect upon the winter season.
Acknowledge the gifts and the difficulties,
what has gone well, what went “wrong”
Look at where you were – physically, emotionally, etc on 12-22-2022.
Think back to January and February.
Then bring your awareness to where you are today.
It is important to note your victories as well the (perceived) failures.
But perhaps most importantly…
What has the day in, day out been?
What patterns are emerging?
What are you still brushing up against that is undesirable or uncomfortable?
What needs to be laid to rest?
Then, thinking about spring, the warming sun, the season of birth, growth, movement,
And outward expression…
connect with what wants to come forward
With the release of stagnation this full moon brings,
It asks us to
put the deep work of winter to rest.
Forgive what needs forgiving,
prepare for
Ask yourself
“Am I ready?”
Pay attention to what comes up. Your own personal guidance is there.
~ Jill
Intuitive Consultant * Psychic-Medium * Energy Worker
Private sessions available