"I teach my sighs to lengthen into songs, Yet, like a tree endure the shift of things." ~ Theodore Roethke
During these intense energies of the last week’s of 2021
Be like a tree in a storm,
Strong & rooted
Yet flexible…
bending it the wind.
Allowing whatever needs to fall to release & blow away.
As well,
Make sure you are breathing
By this I mean
Notice your breath.
Do you hold it when you are stressed?
Is the breath shallow or deep? Steady & even? Too rapid? Too slow?
Practice taking moments for deep,
intentional breathing.
One beneficial exercise is to…
Do a few deep cleansing breaths.
Then settle into normal supportive breathing,
while focusing on relaxing the body.
Once you feel centered in that space…
“Teach your sighs to lengthen into songs”
Breathe deeply on the inhale
Releasing a “sigh” or an “Ahhh” on the exhale
Do this 3 times
Lengthing the sigh with each repetition.
“Yet Like a tree endure the shift of things.”
Another wonderful exercise (which nicely follows the breathwork) is to
visual yourself as a beautiful, strong tree.
Grounded into the earth (through legs and feet)
Strong through the trunk (torso)
Flexible through the branches (shoulders, arms, neck, head…)
Check in with the energy of the lengthened sigh
and the enduring tree
For support as needed.
~ Jill
Channel ☆ Psychic-Medium ☆ Meditation Teacher