We all have loved ones or ancestors who have passed who are watching over us and then we have Guardian Angels. You may hear people say things like “My grandmother is my Guardian Angel.” In a way, this is true but we also have an angel watching over us, throughout our life {lives}. These are 2 different types of Spirit. {As well as the Ascended Master, animal totems, and other spirit that may come forward during different times to help guide us}
You are born with at least one Guardian Angel who will be with you throughout your entire life. Your Guardian Angels guide & protect you. They deliver messages from spirit, and connect you with all of the Angelic realm, and spirits of the light. They work with people, animals, plants, and all aspects of the universe.
Your Guardian Angel will encourage you to make choices that will bring you joy {because they are in alignment with your soul’s purpose} and which will deepen your spiritual connection. They can be very insistent in their guidance, when we are not ‘paying attention’. However, the angels cannot control you. Ultimately, we have “free will” over our choices, our lives… Leaving us accountable for the good and the ‘not so good’. Our Guardian Angels love us unconditionally. They want us to succeed. ♥
Connecting with your Guardian Angel… Through meditation we give ourselves the ‘space’ to help differentiate {to recognize} the ‘noise’ in our mind from the guidance. Settle the body & quiet the mind (as best you can), using “basic meditation” .Then surround, fill, and ground yourself with the Divine light {Grounding Meditation}. Ask the Divine and the Angels to protect you.
“Dear God, Please hover over me. Fill me with your Divine Spirit. Surround and protect me, with your angels.” You may wish to add something like… I ask my Guardian Angel come close to me. Help me to feel your presence. Help me to see the guidance you bring. Help me to hear when you are speaking to me.”
Then you may ask for clarification, guidance, etc… and listen for the ‘answers’ There may be a word, a name, an image… that comes forward… these are the types of things you want to pay attention to. This is your angel(s), your guardian(s) speaking to you.
Talk to them – not just in meditation but throughout the day. Welcome them into your life. Ask them to be more present. Ask them to reveal themselves more fully to you. Even though they are always with us, you will find that you build a stronger, more recognizable relationship this way. Again, paying special attention to any names or imagery which come to mind, not just in meditation but throughout your day.
Look for any physical signs that may come to you, as well. A white feather, something that seems to be moved or ‘out of place’ yet resonates as meaningful (they are trying to get your attention), a song on the radio, an image in the clouds, an animal totem (like a Dove in your window)… again, those things that draw your attention as being out of the norm and yet just what you needed… that make you go “hmmm, that is interesting”…
~ Jill ♥
{Dogwood & Sage}