More big energy moving in,
lingering and pushing us to bring forward our biggest and best.
(Culminating with a “big bang”… or “Surprise!” -on or before 5/31)
But be warned of illusions and Ego.
They are not only able to keep us stuck but – like an anchor falling way beyond its lead to the deepest parts of the sea…
they can
pull us down beneath the surface
and leave us gasping for air
and grasping for life.
Three guides emerge to help navigate this time…
COYOTE the trickster but also the magician.
The free spirited BUTTERFLY who reminds us of the beauty around us and within us.
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL the messenger, who helps us to find truth and clarity through contemplation, connection, and creativity.
All will become more noticeable starting today, with the “weekly guidance” coming in early and lingering longer.
The more detailed “weekly guidance” for Sunday May 31 through Monday May 29th will be posted tomorrow.
~ Jill ♥
If you would like a reading, you can book a private phone session at 25% off through 5/31,
by following this link…