Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice
The day of shortest light and longest night.
The change of season, taking us from autumn to winter.
It is also the first day of Yule, which goes through Jan 1, 2020,
As well as,
The Great Jupiter*Saturn Conjunction,
which will come together to create the illusion of a single, brightest star
that will last through Christmas Day.
The great Jupiter Saturn conjunction occurred in the biblical time of Jesus’ birth
and is said to be the Star of Bethlehem.
This Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – at 0 degrees in Aquarius,
is said to be the birthing of a new era, and
is certainly one of the biggest cosmic events of our lifetime.
Thomas Steele references this in
this stanza from his poem “Toward the winter Solstice”:
“Some wonder if the star of Bethlehem
Occurred when Jupiter and Saturn crossed;
It’s comforting to look up from this roof
And feel that, while all changes, nothing’s lost,
To recollect that in antiquity
The winter solstice fell in Capricorn
And that, in the Orion Nebula,
From swirling gas, new stars are being born.”
~ Jill ♥
Channel * Psychic-Medium * Energy Worker
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