Though Tuesday, April 12, 2022 is a day where big, powerful, creation energy moves in I do want to express a warning (or at least a note to “be prepared”) that with this BIG ENERGY there is also the sense a big event – or a few, will occur that is dangerous, harmful, explosive… This could be connected to war or conflicts already underway. However, there is also something else. Something seperate brewing.
(It would not be of surprise if the war took a dramatic turn. Hopefully, we who hold space for peace can help shift that towards a dramatic turn for the better. )
Beware the smokescreen… Be mindful of trickery and deception. And of your own tendencies for over indulgence in whatever way.
In a way I hate to put this out there, especially when so many others like to say that this is going to be the best day ever.
But this is the guidance that I’m being asked to relay. Which goes a bit deeper than what was touched upon I’m my April guidance, and so I do as requested.
With this know that, keep your heart clear and your focus on the positive and it will indeed be a great day in so many ways.
~ Jill