by Jill Werhane
New Moon {& Giraffe} Blessings!
All new moons are a time of new beginnings
as well as a time to initiate a period of creation
This new moon is extremely positive and supportive
and initiates a period of planning forward
to the full moon with full lunar eclipse on May 26
and beyond that through to the full moon of November.
This peek moon energy is with us through Thursday
Through the next 10 days
it supports a working on the practical matters and practical plans around finances, home, and earthly matters that will support you in blazing a trail ahead
This New Moon brings a focus on HARMONY and BALANCE
with ourselves within our human body and our self-talk
and with ourselves and our earthly experiences
– How does your inner dialogue diminishes your confidence or devalue your achievements and unique assets and gifts?
– How does your body need strengthening? Where does your health need tending to?
Are you getting enough rest, enough water, enough movement… ?
– How to you manage your earthly experiences? Are you balanced in work and play?
– Do you welcome diversity and experiences? Are you open to inspiration? )
Supporting the new moon is GIRAFFE
Giraffe Totem represents harmony between heaven and earth,
and is a celebration of individuality.
Giraffe brings grounding energy
with a reminder
to keep your head up
to walk gently on the planet, to be more conscious of our impact…
to stay grounded to the earth as you above earthly matters to give yourself perspective and the ability to see the bigger picture
Giraffe represents distinctiveness and individuality because no two Giraffe spotted-fur patterns are alike. It signifies standing out from among all the rest and expressing your identity with pride.
Giraffe’s gentle demeanor and sensitivity help to soften us enough to let down our barriers allowing a deeper connection with intuition to grow.
Giraffe reminds us to remain grounded when reaching for new heights,
and to tune in to the Divine Guidance while maintaining a higher perspective.
Gentle Giraffe, with its long neck reaching into the heavens, symbolizes the ability to see the future and obtain things that seem out of reach.
When your life is chaotic, Giraffe reminds us to keep our head up and avoid getting entangled in lower vibrational exchanges and distractions.
Giraffe encourages us to “take the high road” and seek out that which inspires and raises your vibration and your Spirit.
Its okay to be different… to stand out in the crowd
Stand tall, with head held high
Rise above earthly matters
Nurture your intuition
Walk confidently in the direction of your dreams
~ Jill ♥
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