The Fall Equinox is fast approaching.
Over the weekend, consider the changes that have happened, need to happen, you want to happen…
Where are you stagnant?
Where are you pushing too hard?
What’s just not that interesting to you, anymore?
This transitional time is here to give you a boost in the right direction and holds the potential for great change to happen.
We will have bursts of productivity in preparation for the reflection that winter will bring.
Equally, we may need to allow ourselves to rest and rejuvinate.
Treat your body kindly. Eat well. Exercise.
Enjoy the company of those you hold dear.
Celebrate the bounty, as this is still the time of harvest.
Have gratitude for all things… even those which have challenged you.
For those areas which seem to cut you to the core with anger, pain, deep suffering…
Ask for the strength and the courage…
To “look at the truth”…
To ask for understanding & guidance…
To navigate the path through.
For those things for which the only choice is acceptance,
pray for the ability to move on.
Let the “spent leaves” fall where they may.
Let the season help you to transform your own life.
Remember that you are not alone, even in your moments of loneliness.
Mabon begins tomorrow. Use this week of celebration as inspiration to set the tone for the weeks ahead.
More on Mabon here:
~ Jill ?
Private readings, Life coaching, and energy healing sessions are available.
I specialize in long distance, individual Intuitive Consultations/ psychic readings which focus on soul growth, intuitive development, and creating daily practices for a more connected and expansive life.
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