Today is the New Moon,
with its new beginnings and an opportunity to expand upon what we placed within the empty spaces of the dark moon.
It will maintain its hold on us through most of Thursday.
LOVE, self worth (self value), VALUE with relation to others, as well as assets are highlighted.
Keep in mind all the guidance of the month, especially with regard to Venus Retrograde.
We will be able to see how “JUSTICE” has been at the forefront,
as we have moved toward this dark moon period and cross into the new beginnings of the New Moon,
And how these workings around Justice affect our value system, feelings of worth and worthiness, and our feelings of security with others.
(…first posted 9/30 and we can certainly see that “Justice” with all its faults and illusions were indeed at the forefront.
Focus on the new beginnings and the change needed to make them happen.)
Justice also symbolizes BALANCE.
Too much polarization in one way or the other can bring about more dis-ease.
Balance is of great importance if we are to navigate the days ahead.
(As I said I said on 9/30…)
Expect this new moon to be the bridge of connection. Particularly within the workings of Venus Retrograde.
One thing which is emerging is how we hold onto secrets, and how this act of
shielding parts of our self
…protecting our truth through untruths,
is a waste of our energy (& counter to “right energy”),
throws us out of balance
and alignment with our highest self & purpose,
and opens us up to damaging consequences.
As the new moon begins to grow, we may see more and more “Secrets” coming into light.
Not just our own, but other’s, particularly those in the spotlight or “positions of power”
(this idea of being in the spotlight or a position of power does not just pertain to those in the bigger realms of say – politics,
It will also be those in the center of your group of friends, and those in the spotlight or position of power within work or your local community.)
When our secrets come to light and we stand naked before ourselves and those whose opinions we value,
we have to choose our next course of action. {CHOICES}
Do we fight to maintain the falsehood or deception (siding with fear)? Or
DO we take advantage of the opportunity to be free and expand into our truth (siding with love)?
Resist responding in fear, for truth and LOVE is what is asked,
Remember that it is always of benefit to look for the gift in any challenge and that,
regardless of how difficult,
standing more fully in our truth is always fully supported,
will help to bring us back into balance and alignment, and
gives us a strength that can never be taken away
…for in reality, our strength and truth is only even truly given away by us as individuals. {CHOICES}
As usual, look to nature and its grounding to help bring the balance back in,
and to give you the strength to
“let go and move beyond”
Those things which hold you back, and prevent you from accepting and BEing your truth.
~ Jill
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