Persephone’s Moon
“Persephone’s Moon” The first New Moon of autumn is “Persephone’s Moon”. The goddess of spring & of the underworld begins her descent, bringing about the dormancy of fall and the reflection of winter. Persephone is a sister goddess of The Great Mother, Gaia. Yet Persephone looks upon Gaia as both sister & mother. (Persephone being the…
The Clair Gifts
The Clair Gifts What are the Clair Gifts? The main types of psychic abilities are what we call the clairs: clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance. These are some of the ways in which we receive intuitive guidance. Professional intuitives tend to have multiple, highly attuned clair gifts. For example, I have hightened clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and…
Look for the miracles…
Miracles… Look for the miracles, not just in your own life but in the lives of others. See! …they are all around. They are happening every day. Push yourself to keep ‘showing up’ in your own life. …and remember that “it’s not all about you.” We are all connected. {That which helps one, helps all.…
Basic Meditation
Meditation Basics Meditation is hard. It is. Even those who are well ‘practiced’ have days where they struggle. However, meditation is an incredibly important part of the human’s ability to fully connect with their guidance and with the Divine. It goes hand in hand with prayer. Prayer is speaking – asking for guidance, giving thanks.…
Guardian Angels (& how to connect more with them)
Guardian Angels (& how to connect more with them) We all have loved ones or ancestors who have passed who are watching over us and then we have Guardian Angels. You may hear people say things like “My grandmother is my Guardian Angel.” In a way, this is true but we also have an angel…