Happy SUPER DUPER Full Moon!
(It’s energy has been with us… magnifying our abilities to create magic, since Wednesday night and will stick around through Thursday.)
Take advantage of the moon’s heightened powers…
To find your voice and your vision,
To recognize it
and release it, first, from within yourself and then out to the world.
Honor your voice and your dreams.
Honor and respect the voice and dreams of thy neighbor.
Holding yourself in a positive light,
Believe that you are a cherished gem
(because you ARE)
And let that positive, loving, Light energy radiate out to the world,
doing its part to transmute the lower energies (hate, fear, anger, negativity…)
This moon is
Illuminating the dark in order for us to see.
Shining a light on…
and aggravating the shadow self
(as moved in with the election date marker)
in order to finally process and utilize the shadow and light with more balance.
Take advantage of this time to rectify, to heal, to expand…
In order to Lean into Life more fully.
~ Jill ♥