“I am the weaver of my own reality.
I am the weaver of my own destiny.
What I weave I create.”
Take some time in the next 48 hours to
engage in a beautiful daydream about what lies ahead.
Weave the threads of hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations…
Weave the threads that carry visions, feelings, emotions….
connections, creations, inspirations…
into a beautiful web of intention and manifestation
Infuse it with your heart energy and light.
Then consider how those threads weave through the coming months and beyond.
{If so inspired, utilize this visualization to create an outline for the year ahead. }
☆ Remember, when we are dreaming we are limitless.
If you find yourself getting caught up in the limitations of the rational mind – logistics such as “how” or money
Or bogged down by details.
and remind yourself that this is about dreams and in dreams anything is possible! ☆
The closer we get to tomorrow’s full moon peak
the more challenging, chaotic or emotional the days may become.
Look to this web of intention for comfort and reprieve.
Deeper guidance around this week and this moon can be found in yesterday’s post.
~ Jill 💖
Channel ☆ Psychic-Medium ☆ Energy Worker
Private sessions available