You have likely been feeling the immense power of this full moon, already.
The last of the season, the year, and the decade.
It is kicking into high gear, NOW
The push & pull of a tug of war of opposites is at play.
There is much being illuminated.
Much is being dissolved.
Much is being set in motion.
So much wants to be seen, felt, acknowledged…
Many moods are being triggered.
Many things coming at us from multiple dimensions.
Deep stirrings arising.
Familiar concerns around support, well-being, short-comings, and successes…
The emotions of “not enough” are engaged.
* “Writing through the moon” *
is a useful way to help to sort through it all.
Be still
Call down the moon,
and allow your inner twin to speak to you,
through pen and paper.
~ Jill ♥
Private readings, Life coaching, and energy healing sessions are available.
I specialize in long distance, individual Intuitive Consultations/ psychic readings which focus on soul growth, intuitive development, and creating daily practices for a more connected and expansive life.
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